Situated right on Michigan Avenue in the Michigan Plaza, our new offices are just a stone’s throw away from the Magnificent Mile. Our Chicagoans are a determined, down-to-earth group set on elevating our clients' brands with the next big idea. And it’s not just downtown that gets our creative juices flowing: we’re proud of our city’s storied neighborhoods, thriving tech hub status and inimitable culinary scene.
From Buddy Guy to a guy named Kanye, ‘Chi city’ has some serious musical chops. So take a listen to our Chicago team’s favorite tunes at d.Jams on Spotify.
Keith, Creative Director
Get ready to be mesmerized by our summer city lights.
Julie, our art director, has some hidden—yet illustrious—illustrative talent. Sorry Julie, the secret's out.
Take LSD (Lake Shore Drive) and get the best views of the Windy City and Lake Michigan. Hey, even roll down your windows—just maybe not in January.
The ‘EL’ or elevated train is a great way to get to work and get your people watching in.
Together with Spark, a workplace-based apprenticeship program, we mentor local youth and everyone is changed for the better.